Welcome to my farm in the Driftless Region! A place I call home and where I welcome visitors from around the globe to experience a working farm and take home meat, farm fresh eggs, local cheese and crafts made by myself, my relatives and awesome neighbors! As a fourth generation farmer, my passion is to bring the love of animals, photography and stewardship of the land into your home and heart.
Visitors are welcome at our beautiful farm and have a chance to glimpse into the life on the farm with our animals. We hope everybody goes away with a better understanding of the importance of knowing where food and products are created. This world has many questions about product and food production, sustainability and marketing. Let my personal connection help you provide some clarity from a farmer’s perspective that is NOT paid by big named companies but is supported by the products we sell and the animals we raise on our farm.
After you visit our farm, travel around the Driftless Region which includes the largest Amish Community in Wisconsin, Class A Trout Streams, Rustic Roads, Bike Trails, Horse Trails, Wineries, Breweries, Distilleries, Norwegian History & Shops, a Ski Jump & Golf Course, Great River Road and much more! (Pick up a Hidden Valleys Guide.)
Find Me!
S764 Jore Rd (formally S764 Spring Coulee RIDGE Rd) Follow signs right to our location. First building on our dead-end road is the store.
Visit our products at Sweet Valley Artisans in Coon Valley, Wis.
Wehling Farms and Country Store has a second location at Sweet Valley Artisans in Coon Valley, WI! Sweet Valley Artisans is well known for refurbished furniture, antiques and craft from many vendors. It is also the home of Valley Fudge & Candy. We are right next to them with our meats, eggs, cheeses, cards, maple syrup, jam, honey and funny towels. Stop in and check out our booth when your drive on HWY 14 (219 Central Ave Coon Valley) – only minutes away from La Crosse, Wisconsin!
Featured Products!
Check out these fan favorites! Don’t see it on our website? No problem! Contact me!
- B&E Bourbon Barrel Aged Maple Syrup, Westby-Viroqua
- The Great American Pancake Co’s Pancakes, Cashton
- Storandt Farm’s Salsa, Mindoro
- Cedar Bee Farm’s Honey, Mondovi
- Sugar Shack Candy, Viroqua
- Kathy’s Kards Cards, Westby
- Willow Top Hemp Farm CBD Oils, Lafarge
- Emma’s Rag Rugs, Westby
- Sarah’s Soy Candles, Cashton
- Donna Leis’s Rosemaling, Cataract
- Crafts and more!
Now Available! Seeds and Bulbs
Get ready for spring with ordering online with our partner Firefly Farm & Mercantile! We have over 1,000 types of veggies and flowers online, seed companies include Seed Saver, Renee Gardens and High Mowing Organic Seed! Online ordering is offered with a Discount code: DANIKA and even an option to pick up anything ordered at our store at S764 Jore Rd Westby, WI. Join us for a Bulb Sales every Spring and Fall at Sweet Valley Artisans. Mobil Greenhouse with flower baskets and heirloom starts, starts around Mother’s Day every year too!